コラム Sun, Oct 18, 2020 コロナ中のイタリアの国境状況は、「Ministero della Salute」でチェック。 イタリアの国境情報は、「Ministero della Salute」→「Covid-19, travellers」でチェックしています。 次の情報は、11月14日です。 で、ボクらの出発は12月14日。 チェックすべき欄は、 List E – Rest of the world よく読んでないけど↓ Liste E – Rest of the worldThe return/entry into Italy from this group of countries is always allowed to Italian/EU/Schengen citizens and their family members, as well as to holders of long-term resident status and their family members (Directive 2004/38/EC). The ministerial decree of October 13, 2020 also confirms the possibility of entry into Italy, from List E countries, for persons who have a proven and stable relationship (even if not cohabiting) with Italian/EU/Schengen citizens or with natural persons who are legally resident in Italy (long-term residents), who must reach their partner’s residence/domicile/residence (in Italy).Upon entry/return to Italy from these countries, it is necessary to fill in a self-declaration, stating the reason for entry/return. You can reach your final destination in Italy only by private vehicle. It is also necessary to undergo fiduciary isolation and health surveillance for 14 days.DownloadAll persons travelling to Italy from any foreign location are required to provide the carrier, or law enforcement officers if they are stopped for checks, a self-declaration form that can be downloaded here.Data ultimo aggiornamento: 17 ottobre 2020List E – Rest of the world ま、こんな感じ。 なんにしろ、来月になったら、クロアチア行きのフェリーチケットを買うまえに電話で確認しようかと↓ From abroad: +39 0232008345 +39 0283905385