Visa applications must be completed online, and ensuring that the applicant is outside the territory of the Republic of Albania after payment of the visa fee. | ビザ申請はオンラインで行い、ビザ料金の支払い後、申請者がアルバニア共和国の領域外にいることを確認する必要があります。 | |
During the visa application verification process, it is strictly forbidden for the applicant, the invitee, or any other subject to communicate with the responsible institutions, except when contacted by the relevant Diplomatic or Consular Mission. | ビザ申請確認手続き中、申請者、被招待者、その他のいかなる対象者も、関係する外交・領事部からの連絡がある場合を除き、担当機関と連絡を取ることは固く禁じられています。 | |
The evaluation process after payment is received lasts a minimum of 15 working days and for exceptional cases, can take up to 30 working days. | ご入金後の査定プロセスは、最低15営業日、例外的な場合は最長30営業日かかります。 | |
Visa for digital mobile workers (D) | デジタル・モバイル・ワーカー用ビザ(D) | |
Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem) | 申請者が記入するビザ申請書(オンラインで無料で入手可能)。 | |
Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm | 申請者の写真(サイズ47mm×36mm | |
Photocopy of the valid travel document | 有効な旅券のコピー | |
Valid employment contract with the overseas employer or service contract with the overseas contractor or client that will work without a specific headquarter for specific jobs, which allow work with information technology equipment. | 海外の雇用主との有効な雇用契約、または海外の請負業者もしくはクライアントとのサービス契約であって、特定の職務のために特定の本社を持たずに勤務するもので、情報技術機器を使用する業務が可能なもの。 | |
Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania. | アルバニア共和国領域内での宿泊を証明する書類。 | |
Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications. | タイプDビザ申請の場合、ビザ申請の動機に関連する申請者の国での活動または専門的、商業的能力を証明する書類。 | |
Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa. | 居住国から発行された12ヶ月以上の滞在許可証で、有効期間が必要なビザの期間より3ヶ月以上長いもの。 | |
The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months. | 過去12ヶ月間の銀行口座への入金と口座からの出金が記載された明細書。 |

To all concerned, The Republic of Albania has changed its procedures for some Type D visas to foreigners by way of the Unique Permit that is now issued. All foreign citizens must apply via the e-Albania Portal and follow the instructions for the “Application for Residence/Unique Permit” In the following link: (https://e-albania.al/eAlbaniaServices/DPPSH/15388/DPPSH_15388_n4_s1_web.aspx?service_code=15388) This procedure must be completed before an application for a visa can be made. After the approval of the Unique Permit by AKPA, you will receive an email with the relevant instructions to be followed for the visa application via https://e-visa.al/and only then can you continue with the rest of the procedures of your application. Thank You | 係者の皆様へ アルバニア共和国は、現在発行されている固有許可証による外国人へのタイプDビザの一部の手続きを変更しました。すべての外国籍の方は、e-Albaniaポータルから、以下のリンクにある「滞在/固有許可証申請」の手順に従って申請してください: (https://e-albania.al/eAlbaniaServices/DPPSH/15388/DPPSH_15388_n4_s1_web.aspx?service_code=15388) この手続きはビザ申請の前に完了する必要があります。 AKPAによるユニークパーミットの承認後、https://e-visa.al/and、ビザ申請に必要な指示が記載されたEメールが送信されます。 ありがとうございました。 |

NJOFTIM Për të gjithë qytetarët dhe bizneset, identifikimi në llogarinë tuaj në e-Albania në vijim do të kryhet duke vendosur, përveç kredencialeve tuaja (NID/NIPT dhe fjalëkalimin) dhe kodin 6-shifror (fjalëkalim me një përdorim), që do të dërgohet në numrin tuaj të telefonit dhe në adresën tuaj të e-mail-it, në çdo rast identifikimi apo ndryshimi të fjalëkalimit. Qytetarët dhe bizneset të cilët, në llogarinë në portal, kanë deklaruar numër të huaj telefoni, kodin 6-shifror do ta marrin me e-mail, në adresën e regjistruar në llogarinë e tyre. Ju sjellim në vëmendje që të merren masa për përditësimin e numrit të telefonit ose adresës së e-mail-it. Për përditësimin e të dhënave në llogarinë e e-Albania ju mund të bëni ndryshimin në rubrikën “Hapësira ime”, duke zgjedhur “Ndrysho të dhënat e llogarisë“. Nëse nuk mund të aksesoni llogarinë tuaj në portal dhe nuk posedoni më numrin e telefonit dhe adresën e-mail-it të regjistruar në llogari, kontaktoni në helpdesk@e-albania.al dhe kërkesa juaj do të trajtohet me prioritet nga stafi i e-Albania. Faleminderit! | アルバニアでは、個人情報保護法の施行に伴い、個人情報の保護に関する法律(NID/NIPTおよび個人情報保護法)および6つの法律(個人情報保護法)が施行されました、 電話番号およびEメールアドレスに、身元確認および身元確認のための情報を入力します。 ポータルサイトにログイン後、電話番号、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所、Eメール送信先住所をお知らせください。 その際、電話番号とE-mailアドレスをお知らせください。 アルバニア・サッカー協会では、「Hapësira ime 」のルビで、「Ndrysho të dhnat e llogarisë 」と表記しています。 このポータルサイトでは、電話番号、Eメールアドレス、連絡先、helpdesk@e-albania.al、アルバニア政府への連絡の優先順位をお知らせしています。 ファレンダー |

Aplikim për leje qëndrimi/unike / Residence/Unique permit | 滞在許可証 / 滞在許可証 / 独自許可証 |

Kërkesë për leje qëndrimi / Residence permit | 滞在許可証 / 滞在許可証 |
>Shërbimi elektronik “Kërkesë për leje qëndrimi” u mundëson shtetasve të huaj, që planifikojnë të qëndrojnë më shumë se 90 ditë në territorin e Shqipërisë, të bëjnë një kërkesë për t’u pajisur me leje qëndrimi në Republikën e Shqipërisë. Nëpërmjet shërbimit jepet mundësia e aplikimit për motivet e mëposhtme: The electronic service “Request for residence permit” enables foreign nationals who wish to stay more than 90 days in Albanian territory, to apply for a unique permit in the Republic of Albania. Through the electronic service, it is possible to apply for the following reasons: | 電子サービス「滞在許可証申請」により、アルバニア領内に90日以上滞在を希望する外国人は、アルバニア共和国独自の滞在許可証を申請することができます。この電子サービスでは、以下の理由による申請が可能です: |
Bashkim familjar (me shtetas shqiptare ose te huaj) / Family Reunion (with albanian or foreign citizen) Studim (student, nxenes, trajnim pa pagese, kerkues shkencoretj.) / Study (student, free training, scientific researcher, etc.) Arsye humanitare (azilkerkues, viktime trafikimi, i mitur i pashoqeruar etj.) / Humanitarian reasons (asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, unaccompanied minor, etc.) Arsye te tjera (pensionist, perdorim pasuri te paluajtshme, etj. / Other reasons (pensioner, use of real estate, etc.) | Bashkim familjar (me shtetas shqiptare ose te huaj) / 家族の再会(アルバニア人または外国籍の人と)。 Studyim (student, nxenes, trajnim pa pagese, kerkues shkencoretj.) / 勉強(学生、自由研修、科学研究者など)。 Arsye humanitare (azilkerkues, viktime trafikimi, i mitur i pashoqeruar etj.) / 人道的な理由(亡命希望者、人身売買の被害者、一人旅の未成年者など) その他の理由(年金生活者、人身売買の被害者、一人旅の未成年者など)/その他の理由(年金生活者、人身売買の被害者、一人旅の未成年者など / その他の理由(年金受給者、不動産使用など) |
>Shërbimi elektronik “Kërkesë për rinovimin e lejes së qëndrimi” u mundëson shtetasve të huaj, që kanë qëndruar në territorin e Republikës së Shqipërisë në mënyrë të rregullt me leje qëndrimi për një periudhë mbi 180 ditë gjatë një viti kalendarik, të bëjnë një kërkese për të rinovuar lejen e qëndrimit në Republikën e Shqipërisë. Nëpërmjet shërbimit jepet mundësia e aplikimit për motivet e mëposhtme: The electronic service “Request for renewal of residence permit” enables foreign nationals who have stayed in the territory of the Republic of Albania regularly with a residence permit for a period of more than 180 days during a calendar year, to make a request for renewed the residence permit in the Republic of Albania. Through the electronic service, it is possible to apply for the following reasons: | 電子サービス「滞在許可証更新申請」により、アルバ ニア共和国領内に滞在許可証を所持して年間180日以上滞在し た外国人は、アルバニア共和国において滞在許可証の更 新を申請することができます。電子サービスを通じて、以下の理由による申請が可能です: |
Bashkim familjar (me shtetas shqiptare ose te huaj) / Family Reunion (with albanian or foreign citizen) Studim (student, nxenes, trajnim pa pagese, kerkues shkencoretj.) / Study (student, free training, scientific researcher, etc.) Arsye humanitare (azilkerkues, viktime trafikimi, i mitur i pashoqeruar etj.) / Humanitarian reasons (asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, unaccompanied minor, etc.) Arsye te tjera (pensionist, perdorim pasuri te paluajtshme, etj. / Other reasons (pensioner, use of real estate, etc.) | Bashkim familjar (me shtetas shqiptare ose te huaj) / 家族の再会(アルバニア人または外国籍の人と)。 Studyim (student, nxenes, trajnim pa pagese, kerkues shkencoretj.) / 勉強(学生、自由研修、科学研究者など)。 Arsye humanitare (azilkerkues, viktime trafikimi, i mitur i pashoqeruar etj.) / 人道的な理由(亡命希望者、人身売買の被害者、一人旅の未成年者など) その他の理由(年金生活者、人身売買の被害者、一人旅の未成年者など)/その他の理由(年金生活者、人身売買の被害者、一人旅の未成年者など / その他の理由(年金受給者、不動産使用など) |
Kërkesë për leje unike / Unique permit | ユニーク許可証 / ユニーク許可証 |
>Shërbimi elektronik “Aplikim për Leje Unike” u mundëson shtetasve të huaj, që kërkojnë të qëndrojnë dhe të punojnë në territorin e Republikës së Shqipërisë, të bëjnë një kërkesë për t’u pajisur me leje unike në Republikën e Shqipërisë. Nëpërmjet shërbimit jepet mundësia e aplikimit për motivet e mëposhtme: The electronic service “Request for Unique Permit” enables foreign nationals who wish to stay and work in Albania, to apply for a unique permit in the Republic of Albania. Through the electronic service, it is possible to apply for the following reasons: | 電子サービス「固有許可証申請」により、アルバニアでの滞在・就労を希望する外国人は、アルバニア共和国での固有許可証を申請することができます。電子サービスを通じて、以下の理由で申請が可能です: |
Punësim, Vetëpunësim / Employment, Self-Employment Punonjës me kualifikim të lartë / Highly qualified employees Të transferuar brenda ndërmarrjes / Transferred within the enterprise Investitorë / Investors Lëvizës Digjital etj. / Digital Mover etc. | 雇用・被雇用者 / 雇用・自営業 優秀な社員 / 優秀な社員 Të transferuar brenda ndërmarrjes / 企業内異動 Investitorë / 投資家 Lëvizës Digjital etj. / デジタルムーバーなど |
Shërbimi elektronik “Aplikim për rinovim për Leje Unike” u mundëson shtetasve të huaj, që kërkojnë të qëndrojnë dhe të punojnë në territorin e Republikës së Shqipërisë, të bëjnë një kërkese për t’u pajisur me leje unike në Republikën e Shqipërisë. Nëpërmjet shërbimit jepet mundësia e aplikimit për motivet e mëposhtme: The electronic service “Application for Renewal of Unique Permit” enables foreign nationals who wish to stay in the territory of Albania to make an application for the Republic of Albania. Through the electronic service, it is possible to apply for the following reasons: | 電子サービス「固有許可証の更新申請」により、アルバニア領内に滞在を希望する外国人がアルバニア共和国への申請を行うことができます。電子サービスを通じて、以下の理由で申請が可能です: |
Punësim, Vetëpunësim / Employment, Self-Employment Punonjës me kualifikim të lartë / Highly qualified employees Të transferuar brenda ndërmarrjes / Transferred within the enterprise Investitorë / Investors Lëvizës Digjital etj. / Digital Mover etc. | 用・被雇用者 / 雇用・自営業 優秀な社員 / 優秀な社員 Të transferuar brenda ndërmarrjes / 企業内異動 Investitorë / 投資家 Lëvizës Digjital etj. / デジタルムーバーなど |

Request for Unique Permit The “Unique Permit Application” electronic service enables foreign citizens, who wish to stay and work in the territory of the Republic of Albania, to apply for a unique permit in the Republic of Albania. By making the application only electronically, the physical presence of the foreign citizen in Albania at the time of application is eliminated. The application along with the accompanying documents will be submitted online only once, and the responsible structures will process it according to the legal procedure in force until the issuance of the unique permit with an electronic stamp. Through the service, you can apply for the following reasons: – Employment, Self-Employment; – Highly qualified employees; – Transferred within the enterprise; – Investors; – Digital Mover. | 固有許可証の申請 「固有許可証申請Unique Permit Application」電子サービスにより、アルバニア共和国領内での滞在および就労を希望する外国人は、アルバニア共和国において固有許可証を申請することができます。電子申請により、申請時に外国人がアルバニアに物理的に滞在する必要がなくなります。申請書と添付書類はオンラインで一度だけ提出され、電子スタンプが押された固有の許可証が発行されるまで、担当機関が有効な法的手続きに従って処理します。このサービスを通じて、以下の理由で申請することができる: – 雇用、自営業、優秀な従業員、企業内転勤、投資家、デジタルムーバー。 |
To apply for a Unique Permit, the applicant must be sure to meet the following minimum requirements: – Possesses a valid travel document recognized in the Republic of Albania – There is a valid motive to stay in the Republic of Albania based on Law 79/2021 “For foreigners”; – Has or provides sufficient income to afford accommodation and living in Albania; – It does not constitute a danger to order, national security or public health in Albania. | ユニークパーミットを申請するには、申請者は以下の最低条件を満たしている必要があります: – アルバニア共和国で認められている有効な旅券を所持していること – Law 79/2021 「For foreigners 」に基づき、アルバニア共和国に滞在する正当な動機があること – アルバニアでの滞在および生活を営むのに十分な収入があること、または提供していること – アルバニアの秩序、国家安全保障、公衆衛生に対する危険性がないこと。 |
Legal basis: – Law 79/2021 “For foreigners”; – VKM no. 858, dated 29.12.2021 “On determining the criteria, procedures and documentation for the entry, stay and treatment of foreigners in the Republic of Albania”. | 法的根拠 – 根拠法:法律79/2021「外国人について」、VKM no. 2021年12月29日付VKM 858号「アルバニア共和国における外国人の入国、滞在および待遇に関する基準、手続きおよび書類の決定について」。 |
Procedure steps | 手続き手順 |
Procedure steps – Choose the “Application for Unique Permit” service; – Click the “Use” button; – Choose the type of motive for which you will apply and download the payment mandate. Payment can be made at second level banks. – Complete the electronic form correctly with the necessary data according to all fields; – Upload all the documents listed in the form in the specified format; – After making sure that the information filled in by you is correct, click the “Send” button at the bottom of the form; – Download, print and sign the completed form online. | 手続き手順 – 「独自許可申請」サービスを選択する – 「利用する」ボタンをクリックする – 申請する動機の種類を選択し、支払委任状をダウンロードする。支払いは第二レベル銀行で行うことができる。 – 電子書式に必要事項を正確に記入する。 – 書式に記載されているすべての書類を指定されたフォーマットでアップロードする。 – 入力した情報が正しいことを確認したら、書式の下部にある「送信」ボタンをクリックする。 |
If there is an inaccuracy or lack of documentation, the Migration Officer of the State Police, within 5 days, notifies the applicant of the inaccuracies or deficiencies found in the documentation and the applicant is instructed to re-fill the application process by assigning a maximum period of 30 days. If the criteria are met and the documentation is complete, the applicant is notified via e-mail of the acceptance of the application, the fulfillment of the obligation to send within 7 days, through the postal service, the documentation uploaded in the application, two photographs taken in the 6th month of last, mandate payment of the service fee, photocopy of the travel document, as well as the form printed and signed by the applicant with the photo applied to it. | 書類の不備や不足があった場合、国家警察の移民担当官は5日以内に、書類の不備や不足が見つかったことを申請者に通知し、申請者は最長30日の期間を定めて申請手続きをやり直すよう指示される。基準を満たし、書類に不備がない場合、申請者は申請受理をEメールで通知され、申請時にアップロードした書類、直近6ヶ月目に撮影した写真2枚、手数料の支払いの義務化、渡航書類のコピー、申請者が印刷し署名した写真貼付用紙の7日以内の郵送義務の履行が通知される。 |
For the categories of foreigners, who by law must receive employment approval, the application is reviewed and approved online first by AKPA. For the category of self-employed foreigners and investors, the evaluation of meeting the conditions for the device with a unique permit is done by the evaluation commission of the ministry responsible for finance and economy. For the categories of foreigners who, according to the law, need to be provided with a visa, the visa is approved by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs after the employment approval has been approved by AKPA. | 法律により雇用許可を受けなければならない外国人のカテゴリーについては、まずAKPAがオンラインで申請書を審査し、承認する。自営業の外国人および投資家のカテゴリーについては、独自の許可証を持つ装置の条件を満たしているかどうかの評価は、財政・経済担当省の評価委員会によって行われる。法律に基づき、ビザを提供する必要がある外国人のカテゴリーについては、雇用承認がAKPAによって承認された後、欧州外務省によってビザが承認される。 |
After the approval of the employment by AKPA and the approval of the visa by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the border and migration authority makes the decision to issue, change or renew the unique permit, if the applicant fulfills the conditions specified in the law. Review of the request and issuance of the unique residence permit, when the criteria required by the legislation in force are met, are done within a maximum period of 12 weeks from the day of application. The review of the request by each responsible institution must be done within a maximum period of 2 weeks. The approval or rejection of the request is notified online. | AKPAによる雇用の承認および欧州外務省によるビザの承認後、国境・移民局は、申請者が法律に規定された条件を満たしている場合、固有の滞在許可証の発行、変更または更新を決定する。申請書の審査および固有の滞在許可証の発給は,施行中の法律が要求する基準に合致している場合,申請日から最長12週間以内に行われる。各担当機関による審査は最長2週間以内に行われなければならない。申請の承認または却下はオンラインで通知される。 |
In case of approval of the unique residence permit, the unique permit is generated with an electronic stamp and sent electronically to the applicant. Required time of receiving the service 12 weeks from the date of application. Period of validity 1-year; 2-years; 3-years; 5-years; permanent. Costs Depending on the unique permit you are applying for. For more In regards to any questions or uncertainties about using the service you can contact at helpdesk@e- albania.al | 独自の滞在許可証が承認された場合、電子スタンプが押された独自の許可証が作成され、申請者に電子的に送付される。 サービス受領に必要な期間 申請日から12週間。 有効期間 1年、2年、3年、5年、永久。 費用 申請する許可証によって異なる。 サービス利用に関するご質問やご不明な点は、helpdesk@e- albania.alまでお問い合わせください。 |

Për të krijuar një aplikim të ri klikoni butonin “Krijo aplikim të ri” / To create a new application click the button “New Application” | 新しいアプリケーションを作成するには、「New Application 」ボタンをクリックします。 |
Për të shkarkuar mandat pagesën klikoni butonin “Mandat pagesa” / To download the payment mandate click the “Payment Mandate” button | 支払委任状をダウンロードするには、「支払委任状」ボタンをクリックしてください。 |
Për mandatin e shkarkuar ju lutemi kryeni pagesën në bankë vetëm për Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Policisë së Shtetit. Për pagesën e Vizës do të njoftoheni me email pasi të shqyrtohet aplikimi juaj For the dowloaded mandate, please make the payment only for the General Directorate of the State Police. You will be notified by email about the payment of the Visa after your application has been reviewed | ダウロードされた委任状は、国家警察総局にのみお支払いください。Visaの支払いについては、申請書の審査後、Eメールにて通知されます。 |
Për të gjurmuar një aplikim ekzistues ju lutem vendosni numrin e një aplikimi të kryer më parë dhe klikoni butonin “Kërko” / To track an existing application insert the tracking number and click the “Search” button | 既存のアプリケーションを追跡するには、追跡番号を入力し、「検索」ボタンをクリックします。 |
