We are in エレバン, アルメニア on Mar 14, 2025

















  • 民泊:東京都新宿区高田馬場3丁目
  • 朝→  自炊:パン、卵焼き、ヨーグルト、ゆずのジャム
  • 昼→  外食:ラーメン
  • 夜→  外食:王将の餃子


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まあそれはいいとして、新しいMacBook Airを買ったので、主なデータをDropBoxに移したいのですが、仕掛かり仕事のデータが消えると死にたくなります。








  • 民泊:東京都新宿区高田馬場3丁目
  • 朝→  自炊:パン、卵焼き、ハム
  • 昼→  自炊:ご飯、味噌汁、納豆、キムチ、梅干し、たらこ、海苔の佃煮
  • 夜→  外食:銀座『はかた地どり福栄組合』Yukoは野菜三昧


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  1. 就学目的のビザ
  2. 家族再会ビザ
  3. 人道的または宗教的活動のためのビザ
  4. 外交ビザまたはビザサービス (
  5. 季節雇用目的のビザ
  6. 無給研修生のビザ
  7. オーペアビザ
  8. 青少年交流のためのビザ
  9. 研究のためのビザ
  10. 従業員としてのビザ
  11. 社内転勤者のビザ
  12. 職業訓練のためのビザ
  13. 選手用ビザ
  14. ボランティア・ビザ
  15. 優秀な従業員のためのビザ
  16. 自営業者用ビザ
  17. デジタル・モバイル・ワーカー用ビザ
  18. 投資家ビザ
  19. 業務請負ビザ
  20. 船舶乗組員のビザ
  21. 不動産使用ビザ
  22. 年金受給者(退職者)用ビザ


Visa for study purposes (D)就学目的のビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document
4Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
5Invitation signed by the host.
6Certificate issued not more than one month before the visa application by the relevant authorities in the country of origin, which certifies the relation of the person seeking family reunification in Albania, or notarial declaration / notarial agreement of cohabiting persons, stating about their cohabitation for more than 12 months, accompanied by personal certificates certifying the civil status without marital relationship of the partners.
7Documents proving that the foreign host has suitable accommodation in Albania and meets the conditions for housing (notarized photocopy of the lease contract or a document showing that s/he owns an apartment, etc.).
8Notarized photocopy of the document certifying that the foreigner host (residing in Albania) is employed or self-employed and has sufficient income to ensure the life of the person / people he has invited and who may be under his responsibility in Republic of Albania.
9Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
10The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Family Reunion Visa (D)家族再会ビザ (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document
4Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
5Invitation signed by the host.
6Certificate issued not more than one month before the visa application by the relevant authorities in the country of origin, which certifies the relation of the person seeking family reunification in Albania, or notarial declaration / notarial agreement of cohabiting persons, stating about their cohabitation for more than 12 months, accompanied by personal certificates certifying the civil status without marital relationship of the partners.
7Documents proving that the foreign host has suitable accommodation in Albania and meets the conditions for housing (notarized photocopy of the lease contract or a document showing that s/he owns an apartment, etc.).
8Notarized photocopy of the document certifying that the foreigner host (residing in Albania) is employed or self-employed and has sufficient income to ensure the life of the person / people he has invited and who may be under his responsibility in Republic of Albania.
9Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
10The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for humanitarian or religious activities (D)人道的または宗教的活動のためのビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document
4Invitation signed by the host.
5Notarized copy of the license that allows for carrying out humanitarian or religious activities.
6Statement on the motive for the work by the humanitarian organization.
7Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
8Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
9Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
10Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
11Certificate of approval for employment from the National Employment and Skills Agency for the categories that have the obligation for prior approval for employment according to the law on foreigners
Diplomatic visa or visa service (D)外交ビザまたはビザサービス (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document
4Verbal Note from the Institution.
Visa for seasonal employment purposes (D)季節雇用目的のビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document
4A valid employment contract for seasonal work activity, with a fixed term of up to 6 months, in accordance with the legislation in force that governs labor relations in the Republic of Albania
5Documentation proving the accommodation of the seasonal worker.
6Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
7The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for unpaid trainee. (D)無給研修生のビザ (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Invitation signed by the host.
3Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
4Photocopy of the valid travel document
5Admission document in a public or private center licensed for vocational training.
6Certificate proving language proficiency at the beginner level, with which the visa applicant will complete the training.
7Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
8Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
9Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
10Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa. 
Visa for au pairs (D)オーペアビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6Agreement with the host family where the working hours, periodic payments, participation in courses are detailed.
7Proof of financial guarantee from the host family or au pairs organization.
8Certificate proving the knowledge of the language with which the visa applicant will perform the activity. Proof of language proficiency can also be verified by interview with the person in charge of consular affairs at the embassy or consulate.
9Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
10Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
11The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for youth exchanges. (D)青少年交流のためのビザ (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6Certification from the institution or organization that the foreigner is a beneficiary of youth exchange programs.
7Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
8Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
9Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
10The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for research. (D)研究のためのビザ (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6Agreement/contract concluded with an Albanian research institution for scientific research purposes
7Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
8Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
9Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
10Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
11The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa as an employee. (D)従業員としてのビザ (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document
4Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
5Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
6Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
7Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
8Invitation signed by the host.
9The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months/ For D/PM, D/TBN, D/FP type visas, only the employment contract with the employer should be uploaded
Visas for in-house transferees. (D)社内転勤者のビザ (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6In-house transfer statement.
7Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
8Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
9Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
10The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months/ For D/PM, D/TBN, D/FP type visas, only the employment contract with the employer should be uploaded
Visa for vocational training. (D)職業訓練のためのビザ (D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6Certification of professional ability to which the approval of vocational training is related (diploma, certificate, training, various qualifications).
7Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
8Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
9Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
10Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
11The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months/ For D/PM, D/TBN, D/FP type visas, only the employment contract with the employer should be uploaded
Visa for athletes (D)選手用ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6Employment contract with the sports organization.
7The court decision for the registration of the legal entity or the extract of the registration in the NBC for the employer / sports club, where he will be employed.
8Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
9Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
10Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
11Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
12The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for for voluntary service (D)ボランティア・ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6The contract proving the voluntary activity and the entity it will be performed.
7Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
8Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
9Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
10Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
11The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for highly qualified employees (D)優秀な従業員のためのビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6Diploma of higher education qualification.
7A valid employment contract in accordance with the legislation in force, which governs labor relations in the Republic of Albania,
8Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
9Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
10Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
11The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for self-employed people (D)自営業者用ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)申請者が記入するビザ申請書(オンラインで無料で入手可能)。
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm申請者の写真(サイズ47mm×36mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document有効な旅券のコピー
4Certification of professional capacity related to the approval of self-employment (diploma, certificate, training, various qualifications).自営業の認可に関連する職業能力の証明(卒業証書、証明書、研修、各種資格)。
5The document of the legal status of the entity.企業の法的地位を示す文書。
6Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.アルバニア共和国領域内での宿泊を証明する書類。
7Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa. Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
8The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.過去12ヶ月間の銀行口座への入金と口座からの出金が記載された明細書。
Visa for digital mobile workers (D)デジタル・モバイル・ワーカー用ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem) 申請者が記入するビザ申請書(オンラインで無料で入手可能)。
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm申請者の写真(サイズ47mm×36mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document有効な旅券のコピー
4Valid employment contract with the overseas employer or service contract with the overseas contractor or client that will work without a specific headquarter for specific jobs, which allow work with information technology equipment.海外の雇用主との有効な雇用契約、または海外の請負業者もしくはクライアントとのサービス契約であって、特定の職務のために特定の本社を持たずに勤務するもので、情報技術機器を使用する業務が可能なもの。
5Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.アルバニア共和国領域内での宿泊を証明する書類。
6Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.タイプDビザ申請の場合、ビザ申請の動機に関連する申請者の国での活動または専門的、商業的能力を証明する書類。
7Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.居住国から発行された12ヶ月以上の滞在許可証で、有効期間が必要なビザの期間より3ヶ月以上長いもの。
8The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.過去12ヶ月間の銀行口座への入金と口座からの出金が記載された明細書。
Visa for investors (D)投資家ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)申請者が記入するビザ申請書(オンラインで無料で入手可能)。
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm申請者の写真(サイズ47mm×36mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document有効な旅券のコピー
4Document certifying investments made in the country of origin or residence or projects under development in the Republic of Albania.本国または居住国で行われた投資、またはアルバニア共和国で開発中のプロジェクトを証明する書類。
5Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.アルバニア共和国領域内での宿泊を証明する書類。
6Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.タイプDビザ申請の場合、ビザ申請の動機に関連する申請者の国での活動または専門的、商業的能力を証明する書類。
7Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.居住国から発行された12ヶ月以上の滞在許可証で、有効期間が必要なビザの期間より3ヶ月以上長いもの。
8The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for contracting services (D)業務請負ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Invitation signed by the host.
4Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
5Photocopy of the valid travel document
6Service contract with the entity registered in the Republic of Albania.
7Certificate for the relevant professional qualifications related to the provision of the service according to the legislation in force.
8Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
9Document proving the activity or professional, commercial ability in the applicant’s country, which is related to the motives of the applicant’s visa application, in the case of Type D visa applications.
10Document proving the legal status of the inviting entity.
11Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
12The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for the crew of vessels (D)船舶乗組員のビザ(D)
Visa for use of owned immovable property (D)不動産使用ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Statement according to the legal provisions, where the consent of the parent or legal guardian is expressed according to the legislation in force for the travel of the minor.
3Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm 
4Photocopy of the valid travel document
5Certificate of ownership.
6Proof of sufficient financial resources to cover the expenses, for the required period of stay.
7Individual statement on the motive of stay in Albania.
8Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
9The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.
Visa for pensioners (retired) (D)年金受給者(退職者)用ビザ(D)
1Visa application form, completed by the applicant, which is available online free of charge (the application form is completed online during the application, is generated and downloaded by the sistem)
2Photograph of the applicant, with dimensions 47 mm x 36 mm
3Photocopy of the valid travel document
4Pension document from the country of origin or residence
5Proof of annual income, minimum in the amount of 1 200 000 (one million two hundred thousand) ALL from the pension in the country of origin.
6Document certifying accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
7Residence permit more than 12 months, issued from the country of residence, with a validity period of at least 3 addition months than the duration period of the required visa.
8The full bank statement showing the money going in and money leaving your account for the last 12 months.






1Payment for the visa is not refunded / reimbursed in cases of rejection of the application.ビザが却下された場合、ビザ代金の払い戻しはいたしません。
2Obtaining a visa is not a guarantee that the foreigner is allowed to enter the Republic of Albania.ビザの取得は、外国人のアルバニア共和国への入国を保証するものではありません。
3Visa applications must be completed online, and ensuring that the applicant is outside the territory of the Republic of Albania after payment of the visa fee.ビザ申請はオンラインで行い、ビザ料金の支払い後、申請者がアルバニア共和国の領域外にいることを確認する必要があります。
4During the visa application verification process, it is strictly forbidden for the applicant, the invitee, or any other subject to communicate with the responsible institutions, except when contacted by the relevant Diplomatic or Consular Mission.ビザ申請確認手続き中、申請者、被招待者、その他のいかなる対象者も、関係する外交・領事部からの連絡がある場合を除き、担当機関と連絡を取ることは固く禁じられています。
5The evaluation process after payment is received lasts a minimum of 15 working days and for exceptional cases, can take up to 30 working days.ご入金後の査定プロセスは、最低15営業日、例外的な場合は最長30営業日かかります。
6In case of non-payment of the visa fee after 15 days, the application will change to “Not paid” status and will be automatically refused.15日を過ぎてもビザ料金が支払われない場合、申請は「未払い」ステータスに変更され、自動的に却下されます。
7Applicants with dual citizenship must select the nationality of the passport they will use for travel. If the country in the travel document registered with e-Visa is different from the document the person has during the trip, the e-Visa will be invalid.二重国籍の申請者は、渡航に使用するパスポートの国籍を選択する必要があります。e-Visaに登録された渡航書類に記載されている国が、渡航者が渡航中に所持している書類と異なる場合、e-Visaは無効となります。
8All documents uploaded must be translated in Albanian or otherwise in the English language.アップロードされるすべての書類は、アルバニア語で翻訳されているか、さもなければ英語で翻訳されていなければなりません。
10Photocopies of requested documents must be scanned properly following the guidelines below:申請書類のコピーは、以下のガイドラインに従って適切にスキャンしてください:


次に申請画面www.e-visa.al を開いてパスワードを入力すると、



1Fill out your application申込書に記入
2Verify your application information申込情報の確認
3Wait for results & access concierge service結果を待ち、コンシェルジュ・サービスにアクセス




e-Visa is an online application system developed by the albanian government to pre-screen travelers wishing to visit Albania.
Applicants have full access to the e-Visa application system. They must complete the e-Visa process before traveling to Albania by air, land or sea.
The e-Visa application process can be completed entirely online and is operated by Albania Government. 
During the e-Visa application process: 
Applicants are required to enter biographical information about themselves 
They will also need to answer questions about VWP eligibility 
People with dual nationality should choose the nationality according to the passport to be used for the travel 
Travel Authorization is also required by children who do not yet require a ticket of their own to travel


Exemption of visa to enter and stay in the Republic of Albania for up to 90 days in 180 days アルバニア共和国への入国・滞在ビザが180日のうち90日まで免除されます。
1Foreign citizens who have a valid, multiple-entry Schengen visa, which has been previously used in one of the Schengen states, or foreign citizens who have a valid permit of stay in one of the Schengen states.シェンゲン協定加盟国で使用されたことのある有効なシェンゲン査証(複数回入国可)をお持ちの外国籍の方、またはシェンゲン協定加盟国での有効な滞在許可証をお持ちの外国籍の方。
2Foreign citizens who have a valid, multiple-entry US or UK visa, which has been previously used in the respective country of issuance, or have valid permit of stay in the US or UK.米国または英国の有効な数次入国ビザをお持ちの外国籍の方で、過去にそれぞれの発給国で使用されたことのある方、または米国または英国での有効な滞在許可証をお持ちの方。
3Foreign citizens who enter and stay without visa in the Schengen area.シェンゲン協定加盟国にビザなしで入国・滞在する外国人。
4Foreign citizens who have a 10 year residence permit, issued by the competent authority of the United Arab Emirates, valid not less than one year from the moment of entry.アラブ首長国連邦の管轄当局が発行した、入国から1年以上有効な10年間の滞在許可証を持っている外国人。
5Citizens from Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and Thailand can enter without a visa for the period 6 March 2024 until 31 December 2024 with the document passport.サウジアラビア、バーレーン、バーレーン、オマーン、カタール、タイの国民は、2024年3月6日から2024年12月31日までの期間、ビザなしで書類パスポートで入国できる。
6Holders of documents for travel by EU member states as follows:以下のEU加盟国への渡航書類をお持ちの方:
– Alien’s travel document, 
– Travel document (Refugees, Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951), 
– Travel document (Stateless persons, NY Convention of 28 September 1954), 
– Travel document for person enjoying subsidiary protection.
Visa regime for foreign citizens
The visa regime for foreign citizens in the Republic of Albania is provided by Law No. 79/2021 “On foreigners” and by the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 858, dated 29.12.2021, “On the definition of the criteria of procedures and documentation for entry, stay and treatment of foreigners in the Republic of Albania”.


Electronic Visa
Electronic Visa
It is an authorization printed in electronic form, generated with an electronic stamp and sent to the applicant by email, without the need to physically appear at the Diplomatic / Consular Representations of the Republic of Albania.
Stamped Visa
Stamped Visa
It is the authorization in the form of a stamp visa. In case of visa approval, the applicant physically presents for the withdrawal of the visa at the Diplomatic / Consular Representations of the Republic of Albania.



Visa Type “A”
Airport transit visa
It is issued in the form of a stamp visa or printed in electronic format, which gives to the holder the right to enter and stay in the international area of an airport circulation until necessary for the next flight to the country of destination. The validity of this visa corresponds to the time period and flight ticket reservation the visa applicant foresees for the transiting. 

Type “A” visa may be issued with one, two or multiple entry.
Visa Type “C”
Short stay visa
It is issued in the form of a stamp visa or printed in electronic format, which entitles its holder to enter and stay in the Republic of Albania for up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the date of first entry. 

Type “C” visa can be issued with one, two or more entries.
左下Visa Type “D”
Long stay visa
It is issued in the form of a stamp visa or printed in electronic form for foreign citizens who intend to stay in the Republic of Albania for more than 90 days within 180 days, and when, to obtain a residence permit, these citizens are required to have a visa.

Visa Type “D”を選ぶと、


First phase第一段階
Visa application process is only accepted if it is completed online, and you must ensure that You are outside of the territory of the Republic of Albania  after payment of the visa fee.The application is pre-verified by the consul including the application form and uploaded documents and if the application:ビザ申請手続きはオンラインで完了した場合のみ受理され、ビザ料金の支払い後、アルバニア共和国の領域外にいることを確認する必要があります。申請書は、申請書とアップロードされた書類を含め、領事によって事前に確認されます:
ais correct, a notification is sent that the application has been accepted and a visa fee is requested, according to the cost and type of visa requested;が正しい場合、申請が受理された旨の通知が送付され、申請されたビザの費用と種類に応じてビザ料金が請求される;
bhas irregularities, it is turned back to the applicant requesting the correct documents to be uploaded according to the instructions sent;不正な書類がある場合は、送信された指示に従って正しい書類をアップロードするよう、申請者に差し戻される;
cdoes not fulfil any of the criteria necessary for the required visa, the application is rejected according to the legal framework.必要なビザに必要な基準のいずれかを満たしていない場合、法的枠組みに従って申請は却下される。
Second phase第二段階
Visa fees for foreign citizens according to VKM no. 329, dated 29.05.2024, you can find the desired type of visa:  here2024年5月29日付VKM No.329による外国人のビザ料金。329(2024.05.29付け)により、ご希望のビザの種類を見つけることができます。
After the applicant pays the visa fee, the following steps are undertaken:申請者がビザ料金を支払った後、以下の手続きが行われる:
1The applicant is notified via email that the application is in the “evaluation process” stage申請者は、申請書が「評価プロセス」の段階にあることを電子メールで通知される。
2The applicant is notified via the e-Visa system in their email of the decision of the responsible state authorities. The assessment process as a rule takes up to 15 working days and in exceptional cases it can take up to 30 working days申請者は、e-Visaシステムを通じて、担当の国家当局の決定がEメールで通知されます。審査には通常15営業日、例外的に30営業日かかることもあります。
3If the visa is approved, the electronic visa is generated by the e-Visa system and sent by email to the applicant. You must be in possession of the visa at the Border Crossing Point of the Republic of Albania, when entering and leaving the territoryビザが承認されると、e-Visaシステムにより電子ビザが作成され、申請者にEメールで送信されます。アルバニア出入国時には、アルバニア共和国の国境通過地点でビザを所持していなければなりません。
4If the visa is rejected: the applicant is informed via their email with the legal arguments for the visa rejection.ビザが却下された場合:ビザ却下の法的根拠を申請者にEメールで通知する。
Additional notes.追記
1If you wish to travel to the Republic of Albania and are required to apply for a visa, the application must be made within 90 days of the intended date of travel . The application will be refused if your intended date of travel is longer than 90 days from the date of your visa application.アルバニア共和国への渡航を希望し、ビザの申請が必要な場合は、渡航予定日から90日以内に申請する必要があります。渡航予定日がビザ申請日から90日を超えている場合、ビザ申請は却下されます。
2Referring to point 5 of article 28, based on law No. 79/2021 “For foreigners”: The payment for the visa sticker or electronic visa is not refunded / reimbursed in cases of rejection of the application法律第79/2021号「外国人のために」に基づき、第28条第5項を参照: ビザシールまたは電子ビザの代金は、申請が却下された場合でも払い戻されない。
3The documentation from the country of origin and/or from the country where the foreigner had a legal stay must be translated into the Albanian or English language, certified and legalized based on the obligations arising from international agreements.出身国および/または外国人が合法的に滞在していた国の書類は、アルバニア語または英語に翻訳され、証明され、国際協定から生じる義務に基づき合法化されなければならない。
4Obtaining a visa is not a guarantee that the foreigner is allowed to enter the Republic of Albaniaビザの取得は、外国人のアルバニア共和国への入国を保証するものではありません。
5Visa application process is only accepted if it is completed online, and ensuring that the applicant is outside the territory of the Republic of Albania after payment of the visa fee.ビザ申請手続きはオンラインで行い、ビザ料金の支払い後に申請者がアルバニア共和国の領域外にいることを確認した場合のみ受理されます。
6The host is an Albanian citizen or a foreigner citizen, resident in the Republic of Albania, or legal person who exercises activities under Albanian legislation, who declares in writing that he assumes responsibilities for staying and leaving the foreigner in/from the Republic of Albania, according to the legal provisions in force. INVITATION FORMAT (download)受入人は、アルバニア国民、アルバニア共和国に居住する外国人、またはアルバニア共和国の法令に基づき活動を行う法人であり、アルバニア共和国における外国人の滞在および出国について、施行されている法的規定に従って責任を負うことを書面にて宣言します。招待状の書式(ダウンロード)
7During the visa application verification process, it is strictly forbidden for the applicant, the invitee, or any other subject to communicate with the responsible institutionsexcept when contacted by them.査証申請確認プロセスにおいて、申請者、被招聘者、その他のいかなる対象者も、担当機関からの連絡がある場合を除き、担当機関と連絡を取ることは固く禁じられています。
8The deadline for evaluating applications usually takes 15 working days from the day when the payment for the visa is made. For exceptional cases, the verification process can take up to 30 working days.申請書の審査期限は通常、ビザの支払いが完了した日から15営業日です。例外的なケースでは、審査に30営業日かかることもあります。
9In case of non-payment of the visa fee within 15 days, the application will change to “Not paid” status and will be automatically rejected.15日以内にビザ料金が未納の場合、申請は「未納」ステータスに変更され、自動的に却下されます。
10The visa application for children under 18 years old is made by one of the parents, legal guardian or the person that is the legal carer.18歳未満の子供のビザ申請は、両親、法定後見人、法定介護人のいずれかが行う。
11After the rejection of the visa sticker or electronic visa application. The foreign citizen has the right to reapply only after all appeal procedures have been exhausted, or after three months have passed from the date of receipt of rejection.ビザシールまたは電子ビザ申請が却下された場合。外国籍の方は、すべての不服申し立て手続きが完了した後、または却下の通知を受け取った日から3ヶ月が経過した後に限り、再申請する権利を有します。
* Within 5 working days from the receipt of the decision, the interested foreigner has the right to appeal against the decision of refusal / annulment of the visa with the relevant arguments and evidence, as provided for in Law 79/2021 “On Foreigners”, only at the following email address: 
The only authority responsible for reviewing requests for appealing decisions is:  
The Directorate for Consular Affairs at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
12Applicants with dual citizenship must select the nationality of the passport they will use for travel. If the country in the travel document registered with e-Visa is different from the document the person has during the trip, the e-Visa will be invalid. By travel document we define passport and identity card (for residents of specific countries). Other documents are not acceptable for an e-Visa application.二重国籍の申請者は、渡航に使用するパスポートの国籍を選択する必要があります。e-Visaに登録されている渡航書類に記載されている国が、渡航時に所持している書類と異なる場合、e-Visaは無効となります。旅券とは、パスポートおよび身分証明書(特定の国の居住者用)を指します。その他の書類はe-Visa申請には使用できません。





  • 民泊:東京都新宿区高田馬場3丁目
  • 朝→  自炊:パン、卵焼き、ハム
  • 昼→  自炊:くみちゃんからもらったラーメン
  • 夜→  外食:さかえ通りのとんかつ『いちよし』


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  • 民泊:東京都新宿区高田馬場3丁目
  • 朝→  自炊:パン、卵焼き、特売のハム
  • 昼→  外食:千駄ヶ谷でスパゲティ。Yukoは新大久保の『くるむ』
  • 夜→  自炊:キムチチゲとトマトソースのハンバーグ


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We are in エレバン, アルメニア on Mar 14, 2025