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IATAの「COVID-19 Travel Regulations Map」から。

Italy Published 09.10.2020
Passengers are not allowed to enter.入国できません。
This does not apply to:
passengers traveling on business;
passengers returning via Italy to their country of residence;
Passengers who have transited through or have been in Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Rep., Kuwait, Moldova (Rep.), North Macedonia (Rep.), Oman, Panama or Peru in the past 14 days are not allowed to enter and transit.過去14日間にアルジェリア、アルメニア、バーレーン、バングラデシュ、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ、ブラジル、コロンビア、チリ、ドミニカ共和国、クウェート、モルドバ(共和国)、北マケドニア(共和国)、オマーン、パナマ、ペルーを経由したことがある、または滞在したことがあると、入国および通過不可。
Passengers who have transited through or have been in Kosovo (Rep.) or Montenegro in the past 14 days are not allowed to enter and transit.過去14日間にコソボ(共和国)またはモンテネグロを通過したことがある、または滞在したことがあると、入国および通過不可。
Passengers who in the past 14 days have been to or transited through Belgium, Czechia, France, Netherlands, Spain or the United Kingdom and who arrive without a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) molecular or antigenic test result issued at most 72 hours before arrival, are subject to taking the test upon arrival or within 48 hours from arrival.過去14日間にベルギー、チェコ、フランス、オランダ、スペイン、イギリスを訪問または通過したことがあり、到着の72時間前に発行されたコロナの陰性診断書ない人は、到着48時間以内に検査を受けること。
Passengers could be subject to self-isolation for 14 days. More Coronavirus (COVID-19) related information can be found at 14日間、隔離される可能性があります。コロナウイルス(COVID-19)に関するその他の情報
Passengers must present a completed self-declaration form prior to boarding. The form can be obtained at:ご搭乗前に自己宣言書をご提示ください。用紙のダウンロード
Passengers arriving in Sardinia must present a completed “Health Declaration Form” upon arrival. The form can be obtained at:サルデーニャ島に到着されるお客様は、到着時に記入済みの「健康宣言書」を提示してください。フォーム
Passengers arriving in Calabria must present a completed “Health Declaration Form” upon arrival. The form can be obtained at:カラブリアに到着されるお客様は、到着時に「健康宣言書」を提出してください。フォーム
Passengers arriving in Puglia must present a completed “Health Declaration Form” upon arrival. The form can be obtained atプーリア州に到着されるお客様は、到着時に「健康宣言書」を提出してください。用紙
Passengers arriving in Sicily must present a completed “Health Declaration Form” upon arrival. The form can be obtained atシチリア島に到着されるお客様は、到着時に記入済みの「健康宣言書」をご提示ください。フォーム
Flights from Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Rep., Kosovo (Rep.), Kuwait, Moldova (Rep.), Montenegro, North Macedonia (Rep.), Oman, Panama, Peru and Serbia are suspended.アルジェリア、アルメニア、バーレーン、バングラデシュ、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ、ブラジル、コロンビア、チリ、ドミニカ共和国、コソボ(共和国)、クウェート、モルドバ(共和国)、モンテネグロ、北マケドニア(共和国)、オマーン、パナマ、ペルー、セルビアからのフライトは運航停止
Passengers arriving in Sicily from Croatia, France (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, Corsica, Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France, New Aquitaine, Occitania, Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur regions), Greece, Malta or Spain are subject to Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR test on arrival.クロアチア、フランス(オーヴェルニュ=ローヌ=アルプ、コルシカ島、オート=ド=フランス、イル=ド=フランス、ニューアキテーヌ、オクシタニア、プロヴァンス=アルプ=コートダジュール地域)、ギリシャ、マルタ、スペインからシチリア島に到着した乗客は、到着時にコロナウイルス(COVID-19)のPCR検査を受ける必要があります。
This does not apply to passengers with a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result issued at most 72 hours before arrival.コロナウイルス(COVID-19)検査結果が陰性で、到着の72時間前までに発行された診断書をお持ちのお客様には適用されません。

Italian nationals returning to Italy and foreigners in Italy

Italian nationals returning to Italy and foreigners in Italyより

state of emergency until 31 January 2021非常事態は2021年1月31日まで延長
Accesso diretto ai siti web delle Regioni地域の状況
consult the applicable regulations.適用される規則
A – San Marino and Vatican City State: no limitations.A – サンマリノとバチカン市国:制限なし。
B – EU COUNTRIES (except for Romania, which is part of List C, and with specific provisions for Belgium, the whole France, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain, SCHENGEN, the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (with specific provisions further indicated), Andorra, Principality of Monaco: travel to/from EU countries is allowed for any reason, therefore also for TOURISM, and without the obligation to self-isolate on return. The requirement to fill in a self-declaration remain. According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of 21 September 2020, in force from 22 September to 15 October 2020, Bulgaria, previously in List C, is subject to the regulations provided for in List B.B – EU諸国(リストCの一部であり、ベルギー、全フランス、オランダ、チェコ共和国、スペイン、シェンゲン、イギリス、北アイルランド(さらに示された特定の規定を持つ)、アンドラ、モナコ公国のための特定の規定を持つルーマニアを除く):EU諸国への/からの旅行は、どのような理由でも許可されています、したがって、観光のためにも、そして帰国時に自己隔離する義務なし。自己宣言書への記入義務は依然として残っています。9月22日から2020年10月15日まで発効している2020年9月21日の保健省令によると、以前はリストCに含まれていたブルガリアは、リストBに規定された規制の対象となります。
Belgium, the whole France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain (as per the Order of the Minister of Health of 7 October 2020, in force from 8 October to 15 October 2020): persons entering/returning to Italy from these countries (after staying or transiting in any of these Countries in the 14 days prior to travelling to Italy) besides filling in a self-declaration form, must also:
a) present a declaration to the effect that they have taken a molecular or antigenic swab test, with a negative result, within 72 hours before entering Italy;
a) イタリアに入国する前の72時間以内に、分子または抗原性の綿棒検査を受け、陰性の結果が得られた旨の申告書を提出すること。
b) take a molecular or antigenic swab test on arrival at the airport, port, or border location (where possible) or within 48 hours of entering Italy at the competent local health authority surgery.
Persons who stayed or transited in any of these four countries in the 14 days prior to returning to Italy shall also communicate their entry into the Italian territory to the Prevention Department of the competent Health Authority. The same exceptions set out in article 6(6) and (7) of the DPCM of 7 August 2020, with regard to self-isolation and supervision by the competent health authorities, also apply to mandatory swab tests. For more details, please read the list at the bottom of the page.
b) 空港、港、または国境で、イタリア入国後48時間以内に、管轄の保健当局で、検査を受けること。
イタリアに戻る前の 14 日間にこれらの 4 カ国のいずれかに滞在した者、または通過した者は、イタリア領域への入国を管轄の保健当局の予防部門に連絡しなければなりません。2020年8月7日のDPCMの第6条(6)および(7)に記載されている、自己隔離および管轄の保健当局による監督に関する例外と同じ例外が、義務的な綿棒検査にも適用されます。詳細については、ページ下部のリストをご覧ください。
Since 8 October, Croatia, Greece, and Malta are no longer included in this sub-list.On entering Italy from any of these Countries the molecular or antigenic test is no longer required.
CAUTIONAnnex C to DPCM 7 September 2020 clarifies that the list E includes all the overseas French, UK and Netherlands territories, however named. Instead, the following Countries are included in list B: Faroe Islands, Greenland, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Gibraltar, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, British bases on the island of Cyprus, Azores and Madeira, Spanish territories on the African continent.
The easing of restrictions on travel from Italy to certain Countries does not exclude that these Countries may still impose restrictions on entry. Travellers are advised to always check the relevant Country information in the ViaggiareSicuri website for information about entry restrictions imposed by the Local Authorities.
C – Romania: travel from/to these countries is allowed for any reason. However, on returning to Italy, travellers must self-isolate and undergo supervision by the competent health authorities; they are required to fill in a self-declaration form and reach their final destination in Italy only by private means (airport transit is allowed, however without leaving the dedicated areas of the terminal). From 22 September (the day following the publication of the Order of the Minister of Health of 21 September 2020 in the Official Journal), Bulgaria will be subject to the regulations for EU countries (List B). Consequently, for those who have stayed or transited through Bulgaria in the 14 days prior to entering Italy, the obligation of self- isolation no longer applies.C – ルーマニア:許可されています。 ただし、イタリアに戻る際には、旅行者は自己隔離し、管轄の保健当局の監督を受けなければなりません。自己宣言書に記入し、イタリアの最終目的地には民間の手段でのみ到着しなければなりません(空港での乗り継ぎは許可されていますが、ターミナル内の専用エリアから出ることはできません)。9月22日(2020年9月21日付の保健大臣令が官報に掲載された翌日)から、ブルガリアはEU諸国の規制(リストB)の対象となります。その結果、イタリア入国前14日間にブルガリアに滞在または通過したことのある方には、自己隔離の義務は適用されなくなります。
D – Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay: travel from/to these countries is allowed for any reason, therefore also for TOURISM. However, on returning to Italy, travellers must self-isolate and undergo supervision by the competent health authorities; they are required to fill in a self-declaration form and reach their final destination in Italy only by private means (airport transit is allowed, however without leaving the dedicated areas of the terminal). The easing of restrictions on travel from Italy to certain countries does not exclude that these countries may still impose restrictions on entry. Travellers are advised to always check the relevant Country information in the ViaggiareSicuri website for information about entry restrictions imposed by the Local Authorities.D – オーストラリア、カナダ、グルジア、日本、ニュージーランド、ルワンダ、大韓民国、タイ、チュニジア、ウルグアイ:これらの国への旅行は理由の如何を問わず許可されており、したがってツーリズムのためにも許可されています。ただし、イタリアに戻る際には、旅行者は自己隔離し、管轄の保健当局の監督を受けなければならず、自己宣言書に記入し、イタリアの最終目的地には民間の手段でのみ到着しなければなりません(空港での乗り継ぎは認められていますが、ターミナル内の専用エリアから出ることはできません)。イタリアから特定の国への渡航制限が緩和されたからといって、それらの国が入国制限を課す可能性があることを排除するものではありません。自治体による入国制限については、ヴィアッジアーレ・シクーリのウェブサイトに掲載されている該当国の情報を必ずご確認ください。
E – Rest of the world: travel to/from the rest of the world is allowed only for specific reasons, such as work, health or study, or absolute urgency, returning to one’s home, domicile, or dwelling. Therefore, travel for tourism is not allowed. The return to Italy from this group of countries is always permitted to Italian/EU/Schengen citizens and their family members, as well as holders of residence permits and their family members. The DPCM of 7 September 2020 also envisages the possibility for travellers from the Countries in list E to enter Italy if they have a proven and stable affective relationship (regardless of whether or not they cohabit) with Italian/EU/Schengen citizens or with persons who are legally resident in Italy (on a long-term basis) and if they are travelling to their partners’ home/domicile/dwelling (in Italy). On entering Italy from any of these Countries, travellers will be required to fill in a self-declaration form specifying the reason for entering/returning to Italy. The form must then be presented to the competent authorities if requested. Please be prepared to show any support documents and to reply to any answers by the competent authorities. Travellers will be allowed to reach their final destination in Italy only by private means (airport transit is allowed, however without leaving the dedicated areas of the terminal). Travellers must also self-isolate and undergo supervision by the competent health authorities. Several exceptions are provided, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Serbia, previously in List F, according to the Order of the Minister of Health of 21 September 2020is subject to the regulation for the countries in List E. The Order is in force from 22 September to 15 October. Travellers are advised to always check the relevant Country information in the ViaggiareSicuri website for information about entry restrictions imposed by the Local Authorities.E – その他の国・地域:世界のその他の地域への旅行は、仕事、健康、学業、または絶対的な緊急性があり、自宅、住居、住居に戻るなどの特定の理由がある場合にのみ許可されています。したがって、観光目的の旅行は認められていません。このグループの国からイタリアへの帰国は、イタリア/EU/シェンゲン市民とその家族、および滞在許可証の所持者とその家族には常に許可されています。2020年9月7日のDPCMでは、リストEの国からの旅行者がイタリア/EU/シェンゲン市民、またはイタリアに合法的に居住している人と(長期的に)証明された安定した情緒的な関係を持っており、かつパートナーの自宅/居住地/住居(イタリア国内)に旅行している場合には、イタリアへの入国が可能であることも想定しています。これらの国のいずれかからイタリアに入国する際には、旅行者はイタリアへの入国・帰国の理由を記載した自己宣言書に記入する必要があります。その後、要求があれば所轄官庁に提出しなければなりません。その際には、必要な書類を提示し、当局からの回答を受けられるように準備しておいてください。旅行者は、イタリアの最終目的地には個人的な手段でのみ到着することができます(空港での乗り継ぎは可能ですが、ターミナル内の専用エリアから出ることはできません)。また、旅行者は自力で隔離され、管轄の保健当局の監督を受けなければなりません。いくつかの例外がありますが、それはページの下の方にあります。セルビアは、2020年9月21日の保健大臣令により、以前はリストFに含まれていましたが、リストEに含まれている国は規制の対象となります。自治体による入国制限については、ヴィアッジアーレ・シクーリのウェブサイトに掲載されている該当国の情報を必ずご確認ください。
F – Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic: a ban on entry from these Countries is still in force for travellers from the Countries specified in list F or who have stayed/transited there in the 14 days prior to their attempt to enter Italy, with the exception of EU citizens (including Italian citizens) and their family members who have been resident in Italy since before 9 July 2020. Crews, on-board personnel and diplomatic and military officers and agents in the exercise of their functions are excluded from the prohibition of entry. Travel from Italy to these countries is allowed only for specific reasons, such as work, health or study, or absolute urgency, returning to one’s home, domicile, or dwelling. Therefore, travel for tourism is not allowed. On returning to Italy from any of these Countries, travellers must self-isolate and undergo supervision by the competent health authorities; they are required to fill in a self-declaration form indicating the reasons for their return (possession of EU/Schengen citizenship or conditions of a family member of an EU citizen and residence in Italy); travellers may reach their final destination in Italy only by private means (airport transit is allowed, however without leaving the dedicated areas of the terminal).
Kosovo, Montenegro: a ban on entry from these countries is still in force, except for EU citizens (including Italian citizens) and their family members who have been resident in Italy since before 16 July 2020. Also excluded from the entry ban are crews, on-board personnel, diplomatic and military officers, and agents in the exercise of their functions. Travel from Italy to these countries is allowed only for specific reasons, such as work, health or study, or absolute urgency, returning to one’s home, domicile, or dwelling. Therefore, travel for tourism is not allowed. On returning to Italy from any of these Countries, travellers must self-isolate and undergo supervision by the competent health authorities; they are required to fill in a self-declaration form indicating the reasons for their return (possession of EU/Schengen citizenship or conditions of a family member of an EU citizen and residence in Italy); travellers may reach their final destination in Italy only by private means (airport transit is allowed, however without leaving the dedicated areas of the terminal). As per the Order of 21September 2020, Serbia, previously included in list F, passes to list E (see dedicated paragraph).  The Order is in force from 22 September to 15 October.  
Colombia: an entry ban is in force from this country, except for EU citizens (including Italian citizens) and their family members who have been resident in Italy before 13 August 2020. The same restrictions apply as for the countries of the two previous paragraphs.
Travellers are advised to always check the relevant Country information in the ViaggiareSicuri website for information about entry restrictions imposed by the Local Authorities.
Limited exceptions are provided to the mandatory self-isolation, supervision by the competent health authorities and swab testing rules (the latter only applies to travellers returning from Belgium, the whole of France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain, as per the Order of the Minister of Health of 7 October 2020, in force from 8 October to 15 October 2020, NOT from countries on List F). 
F – アルメニア、バーレーン、バングラデシュ、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ、ブラジル、チリ、クウェート、北マケドニア、モルドバ、オマーン、パナマ、ペルー、ドミニカ共和国:リストFに記載された国からの旅行者、またはイタリアに入国しようとする前の14日間に滞在/通過したことのある旅行者は、これらの国からの入国が禁止されていますが、2020年7月9日以前からイタリアに居住しているEU市民(イタリア市民を含む)およびその家族は例外です。乗務員、船内の職員、外交官、軍事官、およびその職務の遂行中の代理人は、入国禁止の対象から除外されます。イタリアからこれらの国への旅行は、仕事、健康、勉学などの特定の理由、または絶対的な緊急性、自宅、居住地、住居への帰還などの場合にのみ許可されています。したがって、観光目的の旅行は認められていません。これらの国のいずれかからイタリアに戻る場合、旅行者は自己隔離し、管轄の保健当局の監督を受けなければなりません。
コソボ、モンテネグロ:2020年7月16日以前からイタリアに居住しているEU市民(イタリア市民を含む)とその家族を除き、これらの国からの入国は現在も禁止されています。また、乗組員、船員、外交官、軍人、およびその職務を遂行する代理人も入国禁止の対象から除外されています。イタリアからこれらの国への旅行は、仕事、健康、学業、または絶対的な緊急性があり、自宅、居住地、住居に戻るなどの特定の理由がある場合にのみ許可されます。したがって、観光目的の旅行は認められていません。これらの国からイタリアに帰国する場合、旅行者は自己隔離し、管轄の保健当局の監督を受けなければなりません。また、帰国理由(EU/シェンゲン市民権の保有、またはEU市民の家族がイタリアに居住している条件)を示す自己宣言書に記入する必要があります。2020年9月21日の令により、以前はリストFに含まれていたセルビアは、リストEに変更されました(専用段落を参照)。 この命令は9月22日から10月15日まで発効しています。
Also, provided that no symptoms of COVID-19 occur. There have been no stays or transits in one or more countries on lists C and F during the fourteen (14) days before entering to Italy, without prejudice to the obligations set out in Article 5 of the DPCM (compilation of an appropriate declaration), the provisions relating to the obligation of self-isolation, supervision by the competent health authorities, the use of private means of transport to reach the final destination and to undergo the swab test (on returning from Belgium, the whole of France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain, as per the Order of the Minister of Health of 7 October 2020, in force from 8 October to 15 October 2020) do NOT apply:
to anyone (regardless of nationality) who enters Italy for a period not exceeding 120 hours for proven needs of work, health or absolute urgency, with the obligation, at the end of that period, to leave the national territory immediately or, failing that, to begin the period of self-isolation and supervision by the competent health authorities;
anyone (regardless of nationality) transiting, by private means, through the Italian territory for a period not exceeding 36 hours, with the obligation, at the end of that period, to leave the national territory immediately or, failing that, to begin the period of self-isolation and supervision by the competent health authorities;
citizens and residents of the Countries and territories listed in Lists A, B, C and D who enter Italy for proven work reasons;
health personnel entering Italy for the exercise of professional health qualifications, including the temporary exercise referred to in Article 13 of Decree-Law no. 18 of 17 March 2020;
cross-border workers entering and leaving the national territory for proven reasons of work and the consequent return to their residence, domicile or dwelling;
to the personnel of companies and institutions with registered or secondary offices in Italy for travel abroad for proven work reasons of no more than 120 hours;
officials and other servants, however, they may be called, of the European Union or international organisations, diplomatic agents, administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions, consular officials and employees, and military staff and Italian Country Police personnel in the performance of their duties;
to pupils and students to attend a course of study in a country other than their country of residence, dwelling or abode, to which they return every day or at least once a week.
生徒および学生が毎日、または少なくとも週に 1 回、居住国以外の国で勉強するためのコースに通うこと。
The rules for mandatory self-isolation and supervision by the competent health authorities (and swab testing for travellers returning from da Belgium, the whole of France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain, as per the Order of the Minister of Health of 7 October 2020, in force from 8 October to 15 October 2020)  do not apply to:
travel crew members;
on-board personnel;
persons entering the country for work reasons regulated by specific security protocols, approved by the competent health authorities;
persons entering the country for reasons that cannot be postponed, including their participation in international sports events or trade fairs, subject to prior authorisation by the Ministry of Health and subject to the obligation to present to the carrier on boarding, or to any other competent authority, a declaration to the effect that they have taken a molecular or antigenic swab test, with a negative result, within 72 hours before entering Italy. In this case, the Traveller/Entity/Organising Company that needs an exemption from the obligation of quarantine for reasons that cannot be deferred, including participation in sporting events or exhibitions at the international level, must submit a request to Office 3 of the General Directorate of Health Prevention (USMAF-SASN Coordination), which will examine it and, if necessary, transmit the guidelines with which the international traveller must comply to be exempted from the above measures. The traveller will  bring with him/her the communication of the office that has transmitted the protocol, the self-declaration undersigned as evidence of the application of the guidelines with the result of the negative test (carried out no more than 72 hours after entering Italy) to be shown to the Cross-border Authority or the Health Authority.
The request for the authorisation shall be sent to the following addresses: 
The exemption does not apply to travellers who in the last 14 days have transited or stayed in one of the countries on List F, Annex 20 of the DPCM of 7 August 2020.
m.dionisio@sanita.it; coordinamento.usmafsasn@sanita.it; dgprev@postacert.sanita。
Several examples:
Letter a)
An Italian citizen entering Italy for a 3-day stay from Tunisia, where they reside, for health reasons, is not required to self-isolate or undergo supervision by the competent health authorities.
An Indian citizen residing in the United Countries (and entering Italy from that country), who is travelling to Italy for work, for a 4-day stay, is not required to self-isolate or undergo supervision by the competent health authorities.
A US citizen travelling from the UK, where they have stayed for less than 14 days, may enter Italy without having to self-isolate if they are travelling for proven reasons of work, health or absolute urgency and if they are staying in Italy for no more than 120 hours.
A Ukrainian citizen travelling from the Ukraine or from Turkey may enter Italy without having to self-isolate if they are travelling for proven reasons of work, health or absolute urgency and if they are staying in Italy for no more than 120 hours.
Letter b):
A Moldovan citizen travelling by car directed to Spain may cross Italy without having to self-isolate if he/she is staying in Italy for no more than 36 hours.
Letter c):
An Australian citizen travelling to Italy for work does not need to self-isolate, or undergo supervision by the competent health authorities, regardless of the length of their stay in Italy.
A German citizen travelling from the US to Italy for work reasons, regardless of the length of their stay in Italy, does not need to self-isolate or to undergo supervision by the competent health authorities.
A Romanian citizen who did not transit or stay in Romania during the 14 days prior to their arrival in Italy, travelling from Turkey to Italy for work reasons, does not need to self-isolate or to undergo supervision by the competent health authorities.

Please carefully consult the DPCM of 7 August 2020 and the DPCM of 7 September 2020 as well as the Order of the Minister of Health of 7 October 2020
The self-declaration form for entry into Italy is available by clicking here.
For more specific questions regarding entry into the country, please contact the Border Police or the competent Prefettura. For questions regarding supervision by the competent health authorities, please contacteither the local Health Authority or the dedicated freephone number of the Ministry of Health 1500.
* The DPCM of 7 August 2020 provides that restrictions may apply to specific areas of the country or to travel from certain foreign Countries and territories.
Individual regions could, therefore, impose restrictions on travellers from certain foreign Countries or territories. Before returning to Italy, therefore, you are advised to check any additional provisions by the Region you are travelling to, either by contacting the local authorities directly or by visiting their respective websites (click here).
Air traffic is still suspended in many countries around the world; sea, air and land borders are closed in many countries around the world. Flights are still subject to frequent cancellations. It is recommended that you always consult your airline to confirm your flight.
The easing of restrictions on travel from Italy to certain countries does not exclude that these countries may still place restrictions on travellers from Italy.
Travellers are advised to always check the relevant Country information in the Viaggiare Sicuri website for information about entry restrictions imposed by the Local Authorities.
An information form has been prepared for people travelling from/to Italy, based on the current legislation. The form has been designed for information purposes only, it has no legal value and does not guarantee entry in Italy or other Country of destination.
If you have any doubts about travelling to Italy, please contact the Border Police or the competent local Prefettura or health authorities. Travellers to foreign countries are advised to always check the relevant country information in the ViaggiareSicuri website or contact the Embassy or consular offices in Italy of the Country of destination.
手紙 a)
スペイン行きの車で旅行するモルドバ市民は、イタリアに 36 時間以内に滞在していれば、イタリアを自力で横断することができます。
自治体による入国制限については、Viaggiare Sicuriのウェブサイトに掲載されている該当国の情報を必ずご確認ください。













  • 民泊:Apartement RDC 4,000MAD /pm Entire apartment +WiFi
  • 朝→  自炊:焼きたてのパン、卵焼き、オリーブ、ブルーチーズ、フェタチーズ
  • 昼→  自炊:アンチョビ付きスパゲティ・ペペロンチーノ
  • 夜→  自炊:シーチキンのトマト炒め


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  • 民泊:Apartement RDC 4,000MAD /pm Entire apartment +WiFi
  • 朝→  自炊:ミューズリー、卵焼き、オリーブ、ブルーチーズ、フェタチーズ
  • 昼→  自炊:スパゲティ・ナポリタン
  • 夜→  自炊:魚の缶詰、ナス焼き


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Rest In Peace, my friend!って。


ヤクが切れたって感じで。 ←見たことないけど。

そんなわがままな人なんだけど、condolence なんだね。









  • 民泊:Apartement RDC 4,000MAD /pm Entire apartment +WiFi
  • 朝→  自炊:焼きたてのパン、卵焼き、オリーブ、ブルーチーズ、フェタチーズ
  • 昼→  自炊:フレンチトースト
  • 夜→  自炊:うどん、卵焼き、ナスとシーチキン


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We are in 高田馬場, 日本 on Mar 3, 2025